Associate Professor of [ARCH-01/E ]

Lucia Arcifa (Catania 1959) associate professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Catania; she teaches Christian and Medieval Archaeology at the Training Course of Tourist Workers; she teaches Medieval Archaeology at the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse.

In collaboration with the Ecole Française de Rome, she directed the excavations at the Cala di Palermo in the Islamic quarter of Terracina. She was involved in the study of the settlement of Milocca (CL) with regard to the development of the Islamic farmhouse and the dynamics of the settlement of the territory. She has collaborated with the Superintendence of Catania in the excavation and restoration of the monumental complex of S. Agata la Vetere and S. Agata al Carcere in Catania, dealing with the theme of the transformation of the ancient city and the Christian reuse of public spaces.

Currently, she is in charge of the excavation of Rocchicella near Mineo, in agreement with the Superintendence of Catania, dealing with the phase relating to the late Byzantine settlement and the reoccupation of the site in the late Islamic age.

She has published numerous essays  on the history of settlement and material culture in medieval Sicily with particular reference to the study of chronological indicators for the late Byzantine and proto-Islamic phase and to the understanding of the processes of territorial diversification in early medieval Sicily between the ninth and tenth 


Curriculum Vitae

A - Educational qualifications


Degree in Classical Studies with an archaeological specialization at the University of Catania with a mark of 110 cum laude, tutor  prof.ssa A.M. Fallico, with a thesis in Medieval Archaeology entitled The Church of St. Nicholas in Noto Antica.


Achieved a Licentiate in Christian Archaeology at the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology, Rome, with a thesis entitled The cult of St. Nicholas in Sicily between the eighth and thirteenth centuries.


Attendance of the two-year course in Diplomatic and Archival Palaeography at the Vatican School Roma


- Attainment of the Diploma of Specialization in Medieval Archaeology at the School of Specialization in Archaeology - University of Rome "La Sapienza", with vote 70/70 cum laude, tutor Prof. L. Pani Ermini. The thesis presented, entitled Noto Antica (SR), in the XIV-XVII centuries, proposed the creation of a computerized database and the analysis with UNIX operating system of the 'Riveli di beni e di anime'  of 1593.


- Achievement of the PhD in Medieval History with a thesis entitled Medieval Road System in Sicily (XI - XIII centuries).

1998 / 2000

- Winner of a two-year scholarship for post-doctoral research in the Historical Area at the Institute of Medieval History of the University of Palermo with a research project entitled: Power, territory and roads in medieval Sicily. Tutor Prof. V. D'Alessandro.


Research fellow at the SAFIST Department of the University of Catania for the disciplinary scientific field L-ANT 09 "Ancient Topography", with a research entitled: Territory and settlement between structural continuity and institutional innovations: theoretical models and sub-regional realities in early medieval Sicily (VII-X sec.). Tutor Prof. F. Tomasello


Winner of a post of researcher, subject area M-STO/ 01, Medieval History, at the Department of Educational Processes, Faculty of Education, University of Catania.


In service since January 2, 2004 at the University of Catania, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Processes as a researcher in M-STO/01 Medieval History.


On duty since November 1, 2014 at the University of Catania, Department of Education Sciences as associate professor in L-ANT/08 Christian and Medieval Archaeology

B - Professional activities


-Participation from 1 to 20 May in the excavation campaign of the cemetery complex of Generosa alla Magliana, organized by the Ecole Française de Rome and directed by Professor Ph. Pergola.

 - Participation from 5 to 30 June in the archaeological excavation of Via della Consolazione (Temple of Saturn sector), organized by the Superintendence of Rome and directed by Dr. G. Maetzke.


- Participation from 10 to 30 June in the excavation campaign at the site of Calathamet (Calatafimi - TR), organized by the Ecole Francaise de Rome and directed by Prof. J. M. Pesez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales).

- Participation in the 1st archaeological survey campaign on "Sardinian medieval fortified settlements", organized by the Ecole Francaise de Rome and the C.N.R.S. and directed by Prof. J.M. Poisson.


- Participation in the 2nd archaeological reconnaissance campaign on "Sardinian fortified settlements", directed by Prof. J.M. Poisson.

- Participation as head of essay II at the archaeological excavation of Castro (Oschiri - SS.), organized by the Archaeological Superintendence of Sassari and Nuoro in collaboration with the Ecole Francaise de Rome, under the direction of the proff. L. Pani Ermini and J.M. Poisson.


- Participation as a scientific collaborator in the excavation site of Castello -S. Pietro (PA), organized by the Soprintendenza ai BB.CC.AA. of Palermo in collaboration with the Ecole Francaise de Rome.


- Scientific direction of the archaeological essays D, E in the context of the excavations conducted under the coordination of the Superintendence of Palermo, in the area of the New Court of Palermo, from 9.10.1989 to 7.12.1989.


- In service at the Soprintendenza ai BB.CC.AA. of Catania (Archaeological section), as an archaeologist (Regional Law 25/93, art. 111), for the computerized cataloging of material of archaeological interest.


In service at the Soprintendenza ai BB.CC.AA. of Catania (Archaeological Section), as archaeologist cataloguer (ex. L.R. 25/93, art. 111), with employment contract, fixed-term, pursuant to L.R. April 27, 1999 n.9 and art. 17 L.R. 198.1999 n.18.

Scientific collaboration with the Chair of Survey and Technical Analysis of Ancient Monuments - Faculty of Letters of the University of Catania (prof. F. Tomasello) for the conduct of archaeological research on the site of Rocca Amorella and the program of archaeological reconnaissance on the territory of the municipality of Milena (CL).


Scientific collaboration with the Superintendence of Catania (Dr. A. Patanè) for the program of archaeological research and study in relation to the restoration of the monumental complex of S. Agata la Vetere and S. Agata al Carcere di Catania.

2010 –

Scientific collaboration with the Archaeological area of Palikè (Dr. L. Maniscalco) for the study of the Byzantine archaeological phases in the site of Rocchicella di Mineo


C- Educational activity




Seminars held at the course "History of medieval architecture" held by Prof. E. Pagello at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Catania, Syracuse, relating to the following topics 1) The use of medieval sources for the study of architecture, 2) Monuments and roads in medieval times


Contract professor for the course of : "Archaeology and History of Muslim Art" (48h - 6 CF) at the Faculty of Education - University of Catania - Degree Course "Training of Tourist Operators", Piazza Armerina.


 Seminars held at the Master in "Economics of Recovery and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage" of the High School of Catania, directed by prof. Rizzo, within the Historical and Artistic Module edited by Prof. F. Tomasello, relating to the following topics: 1) Problems of the Sicilian Middle Ages: case studies; 2) Settlement dynamics in Sicily between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages; 3) Medieval ceramics and cataloguing of materials.


Contract professor for the course of: "Archaeology and History of Muslim Art" (48h - 6CF) at the Faculty of Education - University of Catania - Degree Course "Training of Tourist Operators, Piazza Armerina.


Contract professor for the course of: "Archaeology and History of Muslim Art" (48h - 6CF) at the Faculty of Education of Catania - Degree Course "Training of Tourist Operators, Piazza Armerina.

2004/2005 – 2006/2007

Substitution of the Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology (L-ANT 08) at the Faculty of Science Mat., Fis., and - Degree Course in Technology Applied to the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage - Syracuse office (36 hours - CF 4)

Substitution of the Teaching of Archaeology and History of Muslim Art at the Faculty of Education Sciences University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators, Piazza Armerina (48h - 6CF)


Substitution of the Teaching of Archaeology and History of Muslim Art at the Faculty of Education of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators, Piazza Armerina (48h - 6CF)


-Medieval History Teaching, at the Faculty of Education Sciences -University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators, Piazza Armerina (48h - 6CF)

-Substitute of Christian and Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Education, University of Catania - Degree Course in Management and Design of Cultural Tourism (24h- 3 CFU)

- Teaching by contract of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Messina, Degree Course in Archival Heritage (18h - 3CFU)


-Teaching of Medieval History as a teaching load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences -University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators, (48h - 6CF)

-Substitution of Christian and Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Education Sciences University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Substitution of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Education Sciences University of Catania - Degree course in Management and Design of Cultural Tourism (24h- 3 CFU)

-Contract of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Messina, Degree Course in Archives (18h - 3CFU)


-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences - University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Education of Catania - Degree course in Management and Design of Cultural Tourism (24h- 3 CFU)

- Contract for the teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of the Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (25h-5 CFU)


-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (25h-5 CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)


-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (25h-5 CFU)

-Contract for the teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of the Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the TFA History of Art (10h - 2 CFU )


--Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences - University of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)


-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology at the Master's Degree Course in Archaeology (36h-6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)


-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of History of Medieval Settlements at the Master's Degree Course in Archaeology (36h-6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (10h- 2 CFU)

- Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)



-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of History of Medieval Settlements at the Master's Degree Course in Archaeology (36h-6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (25h-5 CFU)

- Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)


-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (10h- 2 CFU)

- Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)


-Teaching of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, as a didactic load, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Catania - Degree Course in Training of Tourist Operators (36 h- 6CFU)

-Teaching of Medieval Archaeology of Sicily at the School of Archaeological Heritage of Syracuse (25h-5 CFU)

- Teaching of Medieval Archaeology at the Faculty of Political Science - Master's Degree Course in History and Culture of Mediterranean countries (36 h - 6 CFU)

 - Participation in PHD School

-Since 2010 member of the Board of Teachers of the PhD in "Humanities and Cultural Heritage" related to DISUM

-Since 2016 - Member of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate in Sciences of Heritage and Cultural Production related to DISUM

-Member of the College of the Tribunal for the Doctoral Thesis of A. Rotolo, discussed at the University of Granada on January 28, 2013.

Institutional Activities

Member of the Commission for the Nomination of Rectors for the Revision of the Statute of the University of Catania - Rectors' Decree No 6930 of 1 February 2011

 -From July 2012 member of the Academic Senate as representatives of researchers area 11, until October 31, 2014 for forfeiture following the change of band

-Commission component for the allocation of research grants 2016-2018

-Commission component for allocation of funding Outside missions 2016-18

- Since 2018- Delegate of the Director of the DISFOR Department for the Third Mission


-Established in 1994 by SAMI Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani,

-Location of AIECM 2 International Association for the Study of Medieval Cemetery in the Mediterranean

Member of SISMED, Society of Medieval Historians

-Effective location of the Accademia degli Zelanti e dei Dafnici of Acireale


last update giugno 2019

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

I-In-progress excavation projects

- Scientific direction of the archaeological investigations at the site of Palikè (Mineo) related to the late Byzantine phase of the site, conducted as part of the activities of the School of Specialization in Archaeology of the University of Catania, in collaboration with the Superintendence BB.CC.AA. of Catania

- Scientific direction of the reconnaissance and archaeological excavation investigations at the farmhouse of Mulocca and the high site of Monte Conca, for the study of the Byzantine and Islamic phase of the sites in collaboration with the Superintendence of the BB.CC.AA. of Caltanissetta.

-Scientific director of the surveys of reconnaissance and archaeological excavation conducted at the site of Noto Antica, in collaboration with the Superintendence BB.CC.AA of Syracuse, Municipality of Noto, University Federico II of Naples, ISVNA.

L -Direction of projects

-Coordinator  with d A. Nef (Paris Sorbonne) and F. Ardizzone (University of Palermo) of the project: Le processus d'islamisation en Sicile et en Méditeranée centrale in the framework of the five-year axis of the Ecole Française de Rome (2012-2017).

Coordinator  with A. Nef (Université Paris1Pantheon-Sorbonne) of the project in partnership with the Ecole Française de Rome: La Sicile et la Méditerranée entre le VII et le XII siècle: diversité interne et polycentrism méditeranéén  in the framework of the five-year axis  
 of Ecole Française de Rome (2017-2021)

Head of Research Unit 3 - University of Catania - for the Project PRIN 2017: The Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy: settlement, economy and resilience in changing territorial and landscape contexts (P.I. P. ARTHUR Università del Salento)

Participation in international juries

-Member of the College of the Tribunal for the Doctoral Thesis of A. Rotolo, discussed at the University of Granada on January 28, 2013.

-Member of the College for Soutenance of the PHD thesis of Viva Sacco discussed at the University Paris1 Pantheon Sorbonne (Paris July 1, 2016)

-Jury member for Soutenance de A. Nef (Habilitation à diriger les recherches) (Pari1 1 Pantheon Sorbonne 24 November 2018)

Referral activities

 External references for the evaluation of PRIN 2015 Projects

External references for the scientific evaluation of projects submitted to the ERC Advanced Grant Call 2015

Referee for: Medieval Archaeology, PCA, Ancient Mediterranean, RSBN Magazine of Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Studies, MEFRM Mélanges Ecole Française de Rome Moyen-Age, Arqueologìa y territorio medieval, Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, PAST Percorsi, Strumenti e Temi di Archeologia.

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information