Academic Year 2018/2019 - 3° YearCredit Value: 8
Scientific field: SECS-S/01 - STATISTICS
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
This course aims to provide basic statistical techniques for investigating socio-economic phenomena, with specific attention to the tourism domain. Particular emphasis is addressed to the descriptive and inferential techniques for data analysis also in a multidimensional context. At the end of this course, the student will be able to i) collect and organize tourism data; ii) arrange a sample survey and build a questionnaire for his/her own research purposes; iii) perform statistical analysis in the tourism field.
Course Structure
Formal Lectures
Detailed Course Content
Basic statistical techniques
Types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales. Representation of data in graphs and tables, Central indicators, variability indicators. Probability, sum and product principle. Probability application. Hypothesis test: null and alternative hypotheses. Brief description of linear correlation and regression, Regression analysis.
Design of a sample survey
Sources of error in primary surveys, sampling and non-sampling errors. The primary research process. Steps in a survey research design. Types of surveys: sample or total. Diagnostic tests: sensitivity, specificity, predictive values.
Questionnaires and field work
Issues in designing questionnaires for primary research. Administration methods. Tourism surveys & data. Scaling techniques. How to formulate the questions. The methods for administering a questionnaire. The methods to validate the question.
Methods for analyzing data from a questionnaire
Contingency tables and chi square test. Factorial analysis. Cluster analysis. Data requirements. Interpretation of estimation outputs
Textbook Information
Candela G. e P. Figini (2010) Economia del Turismo e delle Destinazioni. McGraw-Hill, Milano.
Vaccaro G. (2007) La statistica applicata al Turismo - Hoepli, Milano
- Paul Newbold Carlson William Statistics for Business and Economics, Pearson, 2012
- Alan Bryman Social Research Methods, Oxford, 2015
SKIFT MAGAZINE, Megatrends Defining Travel in 2018, 2018,
UNWTO and UNEP, Tourism in the Green Economy, Background Report, (pp.1-64).
UNWTO (2017), TourisM, 2012 highlights,
Garibaldi R. (2018) Primo Rapporto Turismo Enogastronomico
Costanzo M. R., (2018). “Statistica sperimentale per le professioni sanitarie”, Createspace by Amazon