Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Agata Ausilia FARRUGGIO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Aspects and problems of the history of art and historical, cultural and geographical coordinates of artists and works.

Detailed Course Content

Facts and developments in the history of XVI and XVII century Italian art with focus on the aspects of protection, preservation and use of historical and artistic heritage, with particular reference to routes and works in the Sicilian territory.

The course includes at least one educational visit to museums and historic sites.

Textbook Information

Form A: History and geography of art from Renaissance to Baroque: 1470-1700 (5 CFU).

A book of your choice between:

- P. De Vecchi - E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milano, Bompiani, 1992 (e ristampe successive), vol. II, pp. 258-744 [ISBN: 9788845062230];

- C. Bertelli - G. Briganti - A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte italiana, Milano, B. Mondadori, 1991 (e ristampe successive), vol. III, intero volume [ISBN: 9788842446705];

For images:


Form B: The work of the art historian (1 CFU).

Reference text:

M.S. Bottai, S. Cecchini, N. Mandarano (a cura di), Artestorie. Le professioni della storia dell'arte, Milano, Cisalpino-Istituto Editoriale Universitario, 2016;