Associate Professor of CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [ARCH-01/D ]


updated on 06/2019


  1. Qualification provided by Italian Ministry as Associate Professor in Classics 10/A1 (L-ANT/07)
  2. Qualification provided by Italian Ministry as Associate Professor in Near Eastern Archaeology (L-OR/05)

Professional Appointments

2007-2009 – Fellow in Classical Archaeology at University of Turin. Project: The Ivory Rhyta from old Nisa

2009-2012 – Fellow at the University of Catania in Classical Archaeology (Dept. Human Sciences). Project: The Indigenous pottery from the Polizzello Mountain.

2012-2018 – Fellow at the University of Catania in Classical Archaeology (Dept. Educational Sciences): The Protogeometric, Geometric and Orientalizing pottery from the excavation of the monumental building on the Patela of Prinias (Crete)

Since 2017 till today– Professor and coordinator of the Archaeology Program at the Syracuse Academy of Study Abroad

2016-2018 – Assistant Professor of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at the University of Catania

Since 2018 till today – Senior Researcher of Classical Archaeology at the DISFOR Dept. of University of Catania.




2003-2006 – PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University of Turin. Thesis: Near Eastern Imports in Crete at the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE. The levels of Contacts.

2000-2003 –School in Classical Archaeology at the University of Turin. Thesis: Ivories with Human and Vegetal Subjects from Fort Shalmaneser (Nimrud) and their Mediterranean Context.

1999- Degree at the University of Catania in Classical Archaeology. Thesis: The Idaean Cave Bronze works in the Context of the Contemporary Cretan Production.



  • Since 1999 till today, collaboration with University of Catania for the project: “The Birth of the Greek Polis”
  • Collaboration with CNR – IBAN (2009): Prinias Project
  • Collaboration with University of Catania (2007) for the project: “Circolazione di idee e tecniche nel Mediterraneo centro-orientale del II millennio a.C.: l’industria tessile e la coroplastica”:



  1. Study of the PG-G pottery at Priniàs (Creta) (Univ. of Catania): August - September 1999
  2. Study of figured ivories in Baghdad (Iraq Museum), (Centro Ricerche e Scavi per il Medio Oriente e l’Asia di Torino): 6 Oct. - 11 Dec. 2002.
  3. Study of PG and G pottery from the excavations on the Patèla of Priniàs in 1996, (University of Catania): Jul. 2007
  4. Study of the Ivory Rhyta from Old Nisa at the Ashgabat Museum (Turkmenistan) (Univ. of Turin): Oct. 2007
  5. Study of Ivory Rhyta from Old Nisa at the: Hermitage (Sanpetersburg), Pushkin (Moscow) e Museum of Oriental People (Moscow) (Univ. of Turin): Nov. 2009.
  6. British Museum (London)March 2011. Partecipation to the progect “The Afghanistan Treasures” (St John Simpson, Curator of the Exhibition and Organizer)
  7. Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) – from 2014 “Cretan Collection at Oxford Project”. Study of the bronze object from the Idaean Cave from the Mitzotakis collection
  8. Study of the Protogeometric, Geometric and Orientalizing pottery from the excavations of the monumental building at the South of Temples A and B at Prinias (Univ. of Catania) Jul. 2011.
  9. Study of Protogeometric and Geometric Pottery from the excavations directed by Dario Palermo in the Patela Prinias (Univ. of Catania) from 2012 till 2018.




  • 1994:  excavations at Phaistos (Palace) directed by prof. V La Rosa (Univ. of Catania)
  • From 1999 till today: Excavations on the Patela of Prinias (Crete) in the area at the South of Temples A and B.


- Excavations at Monte Polizzello (Mussomeli) and study of the material: 1 giugno - 12 luglio 2000

-Excavations at Cozzo Pirtusiddu – Grotta dei Panni (Villalba) and Study of the material. 14 novembre - 13 dicembre 2001

-Excavations at Monte Polizzello (Mussomeli) and study of the materials. 23 luglio-30 settembre 2004

- Excavations at Monte Polizzello (Mussomeli) and study of the materials. 25 maggio-30 giugno 2005



On invitation

  1. 2000 “La figura e l’opera di Federico Halbherr” held at Rovereto “Federico Halbherr e i bronzi dell’Antro Ideo: una rivisitazione”.
  2. 2004 International Workshop, Syrian and Phœnician ivories of the early first millennium bce: chronology, regional styles and iconographic repertories, patterns of inter-regional distribution, Pisa, December 9-11th, 2004. Organizers: S.M. Cecchini, S.Mazzoni, C. Uehlinger: “Ivories from Italian excavations at Nimrud in 1987/89: Methodological remarks”.
  3. 2005 International Conference Cibo per gli uomini, cibo per gli dei, “Offerte di cibo nelle processioni votive a Creta all’inizio del I millennio”.
  4. 2006 International Colloquium Crete in the Geometric and Archaic Period, Athens, “The Role of Crete in the IX-VIII cent. BCE Mediterranean: a Near Eastern Perspective”.
  5. 2006 International Colloquium “Die Ursprünge Europas und der Orient – Kulturelle Beziehungen von der Späten Bronzezeit zur Frühen Eisenzeit”, Erlangen “Itinerant Iconographies: the Case of the Bronze Paterae with Scene of Procession”.
  6. 2006 Seminario di Studi ed Esperimenti “Siria Etruria Tartesso. Il triangolo degli orafi. Transfer tecnologico e iconografico nel Mediterraneo antico” “Iconografie e tecnologie orientali a Creta all’inizio del I millennio a.C.”
  7. 2006 Riunione Scientifica Internazionale “Per i cento anni dello scavo di Priniàs (1906 – 2006). Identità culturale, etnicità, processi di trasformazione a Creta fra Dark Age e Arcaismo”, Athens, “Tra Cnosso e l’Antro Ideo: Iconografie e rapporti con l’Oriente”.
  8. 2006 International Congress The Sogdians At Home and Abroad in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Dr Boris I. Marshak (1933-2006), Pietroburgo (Hermitage “Ivory rhytons from Old Nisa: Methodological Remarks”.
  9. 2008 Conference: “La Sicilia in età arcaica. Dalle apoikiai al 480 a.C.”, Caltanissetta, “Continuità e cambiamento: nuovi dati dall’Acropoli di Polizzello di età arcaica”.
  10. 2008 Conference “Eis Akra. Insediamenti d’altura in Sicilia dalla Preistoria al III sec. a.C.”, Caltanissetta, “Continuità e cambiamento: nuovi dati dall’Acropoli di Polizzello di età arcaica”.
  11. 2009 Internationa Conference: “Traffici, commerci e vie di distribuzione nel Mediterraneo tra protostoria e V sec. a.C.”, Gela, “Creta e il mare: il ruolo di Creta nel Mediterraneo tra il X e il VII sec. a.C” (Dario Palermo, Eleonora Pappalardo).
  12. 2009 Conference: “La ceramica indigena della Sicilia dell’età del Ferro – forme, decorazioni, officine ceramiche, persistenze culturali e innovazioni”, “Ceramica da Polizzello. Forme e decorazioni tra Egeo e mondo indigeno: il caso dei Bird-vases”.
  13. 2010 Conference “Nel mondo di Ade: la vita dopo la morte bell’antichità”, Ragusa, “Onorare i morti per celebrare i vivi: rhyta e libagioni tra Oriente e Occidente”.
  14. 2011 International Workshop “Ancient Afghanistan”, BP Lecture Theatre, British Museum (Londra), “The ivory rhyta from Old Nisa between East and West: a matter of style”.
  15. 2011 giornata di studi “Priniàs – Dreros – e Gortina. Tre città cretesi a confronto”, Catania, 14 marzo 2011, con una relazione dal titolo “aniconicità e culto a Creta, tra simbologia e funzione”.
  16. 2012 Internationalen Kolloquium: Kreta, Insel der hundert Städte Kunst und Kultur Kretas zwischen 1200 und 600 v. Chr., Erlangen (Institut für Klassische Archäologie und das Interdisziplinäre Zentrum Alte Welt), “Cretan Bronze Work: nothing to do with Urartu?”.
  17. 2012 Conference Greci e Indigeni tra le valli dell’Hymera e dell’Halykos, “Greci e Indigeni a Polizzello: l’edificio della Terrazza Inferiore dell’Acropoli”. Caltanissetta, 6-8 giugno 2012.
  18. 2015 12th Pascal International Conference. “Connecting cities and universities at strategic frontiers”, Catania “Communicating Archaeology”.
  19. 2018 International Congress “Eleutherna, Crete and the Outside World” (Org. prof. N. Stampolidis), Rethymnon, “The art of the exchange”.

Other Conferences

  1. 2002 3 ICAANE (3rd International Congress on Archaeology of Ancient Near East), 15-19 aprile 2002), Paris, “Near Eastern Iconographies and Worships in Crete at the beginning of the 1st millennium”.
  2. 2003 International Congress NINIVEH (49e Rencontre Assyrologique Internazionale), 7-11 luglio 2003, London (British Museum), “Nimrud Ivories, some new data from the Italian excavations at Nimrud in 1987-89”.
  3. 2004 International Congress 4 ICAANE (4th International Congress on Archaeology of Ancient Near East), 29-03/3-04 2004, Berlin, “Ivory from Nimrud: stylistic analysis of some unpublished ivories from the Italian excavations of 1987-89”.
  4. 2006 International Congress 5 ICAANE (5th International Congress on Archaeology of Ancient Near East), 3-06/8-06, Madrid (Universidad Autonoma de Campo Blanco), “Near Eastern Ivories in the First Millennium Aegean: Patterns of Mobility”.
  5. 2006 X Cretological Congress, Chania (Crete) 1-8 October 2006, “Cultural Interactions between Crete and Near East in Early Iron Age: the Case of the Ivories”.
  6. 2008 Archaeometry Congress (AIAR) – Scienze e beni Culturali, Siracusa, 16 – 19 febbraio “Caratterizzazione non distruttiva di ceramica da strato proveniente dall’edificio “E” di Polizzello (CL).
  7. 2012 International Congress 8th ICAANE: International Congress on Archaeology of Ancient Near East, Varsaw, “Images and Meanings. The ivory rhyta from Old Nisa and the diffusion of models in Hellenized Asia”, in collaborazione con V. Messina.
  8. 2016 XII Cretological Congress, Iraklion (Crete) “The Protogeometric B at Priniàs. Preliminary observations on the PGB pottery coming from the necropolis of Siderospilia”.
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017
N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information