Cinzia RECCA

Associate Professor of MODERN HISTORY [HIST-02/A ]

Cinzia Recca is Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Catania in the Department of Education. Her area of research is the European Enlightenment namely the following topics: The British Enlightenment particular regarding  E. Gibbon and D. Hume; the European Enlightenment specially regarding feminine roles; the Neapolitan Enlightenment analysing the Bourbon Courts of  Ferdinand IV and Carolina. In recent years she started a demanding research activity focused on the figure of Queen Maria Carolina of Naples through the analysis of unpublished sources (diary and correspondence). She is author of several papers published in historical journals and volumes.  She recently published a book regarding the Queenship of Maria Carolina of Naples through the analysis of diary (The diary of Maria Carolina of Naples,1781-1785.New evidence d Queenship at Court Palgrave McMillan, 2017); The reversal of dynasties during the Bourbon era in the Kingdom of Naples.” in A.M. Rodrigues, M.Santos Silva, J. Spangler (eds). Dynastic change Legitimacy and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Monarchy. London – New York: Routledge, (2020).. Currently she has started a new monograph regarding the Hapsburg shadow in the Kingdom of Naples in Mid-eighteenth century.


Eighteenth century in Great Britain, France,  Kingdom of the two Sicilies with particular attention females roles, social and instution history.



November/1/2015 to now

Lecturer- Department of Educational Sciences University of Catania, Italy, sector Modern History (M-STO/02).

February/2/ 2015 to October/31/2015

Temporary Research Fellow-Department of Educational Sciences University of Catania, Italy, sector Modern History (M-STO/02).


From November/03/2008 to April/02/2014

Temporary Research Fellow -Department of Educational Sciences University of Catania, Italy, sector Modern History (M-STO/02).





PhD  in “Pensiero Politico ed Istituzioni nelle Società Mediterranee, University of Catania. Thesis: David Hume tra filosofia e storia: religione e istituzioni nel volume sesto della history of England.

December 2012

STAGE at  the Archive Stete of Vienna for  methodological research .


Degree in Political Science international politics with magna laude, University of Catania.


Erasmus Fellowship-six months stage at Universidad Central de Barcellona (Spain).





From 2014

Scientific Copy Editor and Referee, Royal Studies Journal, Winchester University Press.


Member of organizing committee of Emuni Summer School, “Books as Knowledge transmission tool: gender literature and history observed by the sea in the Mediterranean area” Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.



Italian Editor (Scholar) of the International Project “Female Biography” (three volumes of the Chawton House Library Edition Pickering & Chatto).



Academic year 2014-15

Teaching Activity- Master Erasmus Mundus, TEMA, IV edition “Methodological Research Seminar”, 30 hours, (M-ST/02) “History and analysis of European territory”, Ecole des Hautes by Cosortium of: Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem (Hungary), Hauted Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France), University of Catania, and Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Czech Republic).

From 2008 until now

Scholar of Modern History.


Member of  degree panel, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.


Member of  examination board of Modern History, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.


Assistant supervisor of several degree thesis.


Virtue is a Woman: the Feminine Dimension in Moral Practices and Discourses in the Early Modern Era (15th– 18th century)."Un modelo de virtud femenina en Sicilia a finales del siglo XVIII: Anna Morso Paternò Castello, Princesa de Biscari"

Milano, 12/11/2020 Speaker International Workshop

Femminili resilienze: storie, scritture e percorsi di ricerca tra XVI e XX secolo.

La resilienza nelle corti d’Europa moderna: una ricognizione storiografica

(On line event)

Luxembourg, 1-3/07/2020

Speaker and Chair session Kings and Queens Conference 9th edition “Politics, society and cultures: The transformative impact of monarchies”. “The greater the gift and the greater their merit”: the creation of a modern colony within the Kingdom of Naples: The Real Colony of San Leucio (1777- 1789). (On line event)

Madrid, 14-15/11/2019 Speaker International Conference VIRTUTI: FORTUNA COMES Teorías sobre la excelencia entre el medievo y el liberalismo  . “El virtuosismo de las mujeres sicilianas entre vida cotidiana y erudición a finales de siglo XVII”.
Catania, 24-27/06/2019


Conference Organizer and Speaker Kings and Queens Conference 8th edition: Resilio ergo Regno. “The terrible calamity of smallpox at the Neapolitan Bourbon Court of Ferdinand IV :  the rulers between resilient and resistant actions.”

Cambridge, Great Britain, 8-10/01/2019.

Speaker and Chair session Monarchy and Modernity Conference.  “The Social and Ideological Legitimacy of the Southern Italy Bourbon Monarchy: Genesis and crisis of the end of the century”.

Winchester, Geat Britain, 9-12/07/2018

Chair session Kings and Queens Conference 7: Ruling Sexuality. Designation of local organizer e presentation of the next Kings and Queens Conference 8th  edition: Resilio ergo Regno, Catania, 24-27/06/2019.

Roma, 15-16/06/2108.

Partecipation Annual Conference SIS e seminario Patrie, popoli, corpi: ripensare genere, sessualità e famiglia nell’era dei nuovo nazionalismi.

Marina di Massa, Italia, 24-26/05/2018.

Partecipation Annual Conference SISSD, Il Settecento oggi: studi e ricerche in corso.

Pachino-Siracusa, Italia, 26-28/04/2018

Speaker International Conference, Fra le mura della modernità. Le rappresentazioni del limite dal Cinquecento ad oggi. “Discorsi di Frontiera: Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel nella Napoli Rivoluzionaria”.

Perugia, Italia, 19-21/04/2018.

Partecipation Annual Conference SISEM,

Halle, Germany, 12-14/10/2017
  • International Conference, The Enlightenment at Court. The Anti-Court Polemics in the Enlightenment. “Naples and the Enlightened Court of Ferdinand IV and Maria Carolina”.
Marina di Massa, Italia, 24-26/05/2017

Speaker  Annual Conference SISSD, Popolo e cultura popolare nel Settecento. “Il popolo inerte nelle cronache del «Monitore napoletano» di Eleonora de Fonseca Pimentel”.

Roma Italia, 30/3, 2017

Speaker International Conference, Regina di Napoli tra rivoluzione, restaurazione ed esilio.“Un intreccio di attività pubbliche e private nei diari nei diari della regina Maria Carolina di Napoli”.

Prague, Rep. Ceca, 31-2/9/2016

Keynote Speaker: Hume´s science of human nature: perspectives of interpretation.  “David Hume, philosopher and historian: religion and political theory in the VI volume of his History of England”.

Valencia, Spain, 30-03-02/04-2016.

Speaker International Conference, European Social Science History Conference, The Austrian Power of Queen of Naples, the Vileness of the Court and the Attemt to Dethron Her”.

Lisbon, Portugal, June /24-27/2015

Speaker at meeting: Kings and Queen 4: Dynastic Changes and Legitimacy, “‘The reversal of dynasties’ during the era of House of Bourbon in the Kingdom of Naples”.

Winchester, Great Britain, July/11-12//2014.

Speaker at meeting: Kings and Queen 3:  Entourage. Courtiers, Councillors, Cousins, Consorts & Contemporaries, “Friendships and political strategies: Lady Hamilton at the Court of Naples”.

Northumbria University, Great Britain, April/7-10//2014.

Speaker at meeting: Social History Society, 39th Annual Conference, “The importance of Sicily for Great Britain: The preponderant influence of Lord William Bentinck on the draft constitution of 1812”.

Plymouth, Great Britain


Speaker at meeting: Gender and Political Culture, 1400-1800, “Behind a lazy king stood a Great Queen Regnant: The Reign of Maria Carolina of Naples (1776-1799)”.

Winchester, Great Britain


Speaker at meeting and chairman of a session: Kings and Queen 2: Making Connections, “The Hapsburg shadow in the Reign of Naples: an exchange of letters between Queen Maria and her brother, Granduke Leopold (1785-1789)”.

Catholic University of Milan,


Speaker at meeting: Studi Amicizia, vita civile e forme della politica in età moderna e contemporanea, “Relazioni amicali e strategie politiche nella Corte della regina Maria Carolina di Napoli”.

Mussomeli, Sicily


Speaker at meeting: Studi su Paolo Emiliani Giudici, “Influenze settecentesche sulle riflessioni di Paolo Emiliani Giudici sui ruoli femminili”.

Marina di Massa,


Speaker at meeting: SISSD, La ricerca dei giovani settecentisti d’Italia, “Maria Carolina d’Asburgo Lorena: una rivisitazione biografica”.

Bath,Great Britain,


Speaker at meeting: Kings and Queen:Power, Politic, Patronage and Personality in Medieval and Early Modern Monarchy, “Queenship and Family dynamics through the correspondence of Queen Maria Carolina of Naples”.

Royal Holloway University- London University,

April/1- 4/2012

Speaker at meeting: The Royal Body, “Maria Carolina and Marie Antoniette: Sisters and Queens in the mirror of Jacobin Public Opinion”.



Partecipation at meeting: 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences”.




Partecipation at meeting: Imperi e Imperialismi, Fondazione Luigi Firpo.



Partecipation at meeting: Garibaldi.

Boston University,


Partecipation at meeting: Conferenza Internazionale di Hume.

University of Milano,Bicocca, November/13-15/2006

Partecipation at meeting: Aspetti del pensiero di Marx e delle interpretazioni successive.

University of Catania,


Partecipation at meeting: Terzo Mondo e Terzo Mondismo alle porte del revisionismo storico tenutosi presso Facoltà di scienze Politiche.

University of Koblenz

August/7 -12 /2006.

 Partecipation at meeting: 33° Conferenza Internazionale di Hume.

Antico Monastero di Santa Chiara, San Marino,

June/9 -10/2006

Partecipation at meeting: Idee d’Europa.

University of Catania,


Partecipation at meeting Sesamo: Spazio privato, spazio pubblico e società civile in Medio Oriente e il Africa del Nord.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Member of International Research Group

REFMUR, Red de Estudios de familia Murcia,  promoted by Universidad de Murcia/ Fundacìon Seneca.

Knowledge of Foreign Languages  (from 1=Mediocre to 5= Excellent)


                                 Written                    Oral                    Comprehension of text

          English                           5                         5                                                    5

Spanish                       5                           5                                                    5

French                         4                            3                                                    4

Arabic                              1                        1                                                    1



Member of Scientific Society:

SiSem, Società Italiana per la Storia dell’età moderna.

Sissd, Società Italiana stufi sul XVIII secolo.

Isecs, International Society of Eighteenth-century.

Sis, Società Italiana delle Storiche.




N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information