Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Zaira SALAFIA
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 54 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The French Language course involves the attainment and / or strengthening of the communicative functions and the corresponding morpho-syntactic structures suitable for achieving a know-how, in terms of oral and written competences, related to the sectoral tourism sector. Outgoing language skills must be at level B1 (CEFR)

Course Structure

The teaching methods proposed will be mainly those of integrated teaching with participatory lessons and cooperative activities to stimulate motivation, confrontation and active participation; lectures will mainly focus on the stages of systematization and meta-linguistic reflection

Detailed Course Content

The course includes analysis of authentic or didactic documents and activities on general communication functions and related to the tourism sector (take contact; accueillir; renseigner; promouvoir un site; réserver, vendre, annuler un produit touristique; the courriel); linguistic reflection on the morpho-syntactic structures (genre, nombre et place du nom et de the adjectif; adjectives et pronoms possessifs, demonstratifs et personnels simples et doubles; pronoms relatifs; the interrogation, the négation, the comparaison; indicatif présent, passé composé, imparafait; futur; condictionnel; subjonctif présent; cheques emplois des modes et des temps; gallicismes; passive forms connecteurs spatio-temporels); description of the main types of tourism and professional categories. The in-depth course includes activities on the presentation of places of interest and monuments, in order to start the students on a personal tourist presentation to be presented during the exam.

Textbook Information

- S.Corbeau, Ch Dubois; J.-L.Penfornis;, Français professionnel, Cle International, Paris, 2013.

- L.Parodi, M.Vallacco, Grammathèque grammatica contrastiva per italiani + Grammathèque exercices, Cideb, Torino, 2014.